Who needs Instagram? (I might)
I don’t own an iPhone, but access to Instagram is one reason I’d be tempted. The great appeal, I think, is that Instagram can make the lousiest photo look interesting, which really takes the pressure off when taking a pic. But honestly, I’ve a perfectly good high-end Blackberry (she states somewhat nervously), and I can’t really justify, as tweeted by @fieldnotes_za this week, buying an expensive phone only in order to take old-looking photos.
So, this is why I spent this morning creeping about the apartment with my Blackberry, taking fairly junk-looking photos, then using Photoshop to make them look “Instagrammed”. I wanted the Instagram look, but I didn’t want to shell out for the technology that enables it. I’m not unhappy with the results, but it kind of reminds me of my label-deprived teenagehood, where I carefully stencilled ESPRIT onto my canvas tote, hoping to give the impression of owning a designer bag.
PS: This blog post on DoorSixteen puts the argument in favour of Instagram very well. And if BlackBerry does end up falling apart, I may well capitulate and make like @fieldnotes_za after all.
PPS: Thanks to reader, Mi Ya, I found this essay on the Instagram phenomenon, which makes a pretty interesting read.
Nic @ Yardage Design
I love Instagram ~ it wasn’t the reason I got an iPhone, but it was a really excellent bonus! The apps are amazing – the Pantone one is good too, and Pinterest … the list goes on! Maybe write it off as a business expense?!
Hi Heather
I just have a bog standard nokia phone but have the joy of editing my photo’s with picnik.com. It’s free and good fun!
You have inspired me to take some photo’s of our Victorian home, we are fortunate enough to have all the original features, sash windows, fire places, old pine floors etc and Andy (my husband) and I love 20th century furniture and household functional decor. Our favourite is the 1950’s and 1970’s with an emphasis on danish design. Wishing you a great week ahead. xox Penny
Mi Ya
Hello, I have asked myself the same kind of question until I read this very interesting article (nice to have another point of view in the sea of positive comments on instagram etc)
I like your post, as always!
I’ve just started reading the article, and it looks very interesting. Looking forward to reading more (after a couple of errands). Thanks so much for the link, and for stopping in at my blog 🙂
xx Heather
I only recently got an iphone, and one of the main reasons I wanted it was access to play around with instagram. After making my own homemade instagrams using photoshop I was giddy to actually have the app. Now that I have used it I do love it and find myself not bringing out my other cameras as much, so I have to balance out my instagram obsession. 🙂
Hmm, I imagine I might be just the same 🙂
HI! Im a blackberry user and thus have the same sort of instgram envy. I found this set of actions to make your shots look instagramed. its pretty cool. Hope it works for you http://dbox.tumblr.com/post/5426249009/instagram-filters-as-photoshop-actions
Thanks so much for the tips! Much appreciated.
heather, you are simply too cool not to have an iPhone…end of story. get thee to an apple store…it’s time.
Ah, but you see, I’m TOO cool to have an iPhone, THAT’s how cool I am (or so I console myself). Meanwhile I’ll continue to lurk just beyond the pulsating white light of the Apple glow…
i’ve started to call my ipod touch ‘my instagram’. ‘where’s my instagram?’ i said to ben this morning. addicted. i use it mainly to keep in touch with friends, like my friend who moved to nyc recently. she doesn’t feel so far away when she uploads a grainy picture of her kids eating breakfast! i think of it as visual twitter too, athough i’m kind of guarded so far. it makes me look at things differently which i love, and see more beauty in the everyday.
I can totally see what you mean. I like the way Instagram (or what I imagine it is, as I don’t have it) kind of adds a bit of visual love to an otherwise fairly mundane snapshot.
I have been having the same dilemma. I love the effect instagram has on images but don’t really love the iPhone or the price tag. I’ve been playing around with TTV (through the viewfinder) photography and feel I have now mastered it but the images I have taken to the untrained eye look like I’ve just used the instagram app!
It’s kind of taken the magic out of experimenting with photography or digital manipulation because everyone can now do it at the touch of a button on there phone!
However after some though I’m still going to keep it old skool and if I feel the need to pimp a photo I’ll just going to do it in photoshop.
Hmm, that sounds quite intriguing! I think I agree with you about the Instagram effect being too easy, and this article (sent to me by another reader) adds some other interesting ideas to the discussion too: http://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2011/05/14/the-faux-vintage-photo-full-essay-parts-i-ii-and-iii/. Thanks so much for commenting, and hope you continue to enjoy taking pics, whichever way you choose!
Thats exactly how I was, then I caved and brought an iphone, and I’m so happy with it! Instagram is awesome!
However, http://www.dumpr.net/lomo.php offers a lomo effect which you can use on your photos for free!
Ooh, thanks for the lomo effect tip. Much appreciated.
Have you looked in to CameraBag? I have the app on my iphone, but they also have a desktop version you can download. They have a free trial if you want to play around with it. http://nevercenter.com/camerabag/desktop/?section=features
Thanks for this tip. I’ll definitely take a look.
la ninja
there’s life before and after pentagram ; P
one has to make one’s blog mobile-friendly to start with, the rest is a question of personal choices. all (well, most) systems are fine nowadays. look:
la ninja
okay, at the risk of becoming redundant, I’ve just seen this and thought I’d share…
it does seem really easy to use the instagram.. but i prefer my trusted digital cam, or film.. my cell phone is an old one, and i dont use it that much. great shots <3
Another Penelope
Hah! My older sister stencilled esprit onto a pair of bathers for me when we were similarly young and label-deprived. (I seem to remember that the ink cracked over the stretch fabric almost immediately). I wonder if the stencilish logo helped to spawn all of these copies?
Love your blog heather – and also your designs of course! – try poladroid.net for that little bit of extra nostalgia. it’s fun!
Thanks for the tip! xx