Making Friday: Done and dusted
This time of year is quite relentless, as production steps up in anticipation of the end of year frenzy. So I’ve not had much focus when it comes to my Making Friday sessions for a while. Yesterday I managed to make something in a real quicksticks fashion that was fun to do just because I felt the urge.
It started with the Vamp Furniture newsletter arriving in my inbox, where I found myself pausing over a black and white vintage breadbin they have for sale, not because I wanted the breadbin, but just because it was such a simple graphic image, with an odd perspective thing going on. I printed the photo out, as I’m making a bit of a black and white moodboard on one of my walls, and then did a quick sketch of it:
Then I applied my knife and sticky vinyl to the issue, and voila! I had a cut out and framed version of the same.
Not exactly creative genius, and probably about 20 minutes’ work, but it’s always a treat to go with the feeling when something tugs at your eyeballs enough.
Mel-The Organic Mamas
20 minutes? – you are GENIUS !!