Best Things #02
We’ve just bought the studio apartment next door to ours, with the intention of bashing through to expand our 80 sq/m 2 bedroom flat into a roomy open planned 120 m/sq space. This is why I haven’t been doing much online this week, other than pin thrilling wide-open loft-style apartments to my I Could Live There Pinterest board, so this week’s Best Things post is all about apartments to die for.
I realise that a flat on the 2nd floor of a Deco building doesn’t have a lot in common with an architect-built, self-designed family house overlooking Camps Bay, but my view of open plan living spaces was forever changed by my visit last year to Gwen & Gawie Fagan’s home Die Es, and I’m inspired by the way they defined distinct areas with particular uses within a large open space.
(image: Freunde von Freunden)
See more of the images I shot of this classic Cape Town home here.
While we’re talking unrealistic expectations, there’s also this spot belonging to Antoninio Sciortino (clipped from ELLE Decoration Netherlands) – all soaring ceilings and outdoor plants indoors. Sigh…
My Better Homes & Gardens Decorating book from the 50’s (thanks, Matt Allison!) is already starting to bristle with post-its. Love the illustrations.. and the hot tips too.
Talking of vintage home books, I’m wondering if my groaning shelves could handle the addition of Catriona Gray’s House & Garden Fifties House book to my collection. Would it be overkill or evidence of committment? Seriously tempted…
While I decide, there are lots more pics online for inspiration.
Then there are my scrapbooks to plunder, where I’ve started a general lookbook of details we admire too: Clockwise, from left:
Slasto floor and doorframe detailing in the home of Ana Escarzaga ;
A partial wall (photo by Ivan Hunter) ;
The clever hanging system (and furniture and bagged brick) in this West Coast ranch house (photo by Art Grey) ;
The stylish friendliness in this poloroid by KitchCafe on Flickr.
Still, without a doubt, Anita Calero’s Chelsea loft is my idea of perfection, and even if our renovation ends up with little in common, I will continue to return to gaze upon pics of these glorious rooms.
This won’t be the last post on the topic, and the next may be a bit less dreamy and a bit more moany, if previous experiences of renovations have anything to go on.
How exciting Heather!
You really should come and see our place before we completely un-50’fy it!
Good luck with … shudder …. builders ….
Well, there’s 50’s and there’s 50’s. Sounds like you’re looking forward to your renovations?
Nic D
How exciting – two apartments into one! If the inspiration is anything to go by, it will be wonderful. That last apartment – those high ceilings – perfection. I sometimes think I was born in the wrong era –
Imagine seeing all that new design first hand in the 40s and 50s! I’d never have made it as a 50s housewife though ….
I’m with you on the 50’s housewife thing. Foundation garments, curling irons, things in aspic? Never.
Glad you enjoyed sharing my inspiration today. I’ve sent the post through to my architect, and hope he manages to reproduce it all. The pressure!
x Heather