Making Friday: Old habits and new designs
Whenever I end up in my Think Tank on Making Friday without a proper idea of what I’d like to get done, I seem to do the same thing:
I fill up a page with regular brush marks that look like multiple openings, or windows in a big building. It’s relaxing, and makes me feel like I’m making a start, at least, even if it’s not very interesting.
Sometimes I even go the extra mile and turn them into trees (the green ones above) or little faces (below).
So inevitably on Making Friday last week, I did my usual dabby thing, but this time I used a piece of linen I had lying around, a housepainter’s brush and a pot of fabric paint. It wasn’t particularly lovely, but I kept going, hauling out more pieces of fabric – including an offcut of my Block Circles print – daubing it all over with my housepainters brush. It was very Craft Period indeed.
I wasn’t sure where it was heading, until I got out some of my old favourite lino blocks and the whole mess fell into place as a pattern I liked.
And by the end of the day, all my slapping around of paint had actually turned out pretty well and I had a good solid bunch of stuff to show for it. Which is what Making Friday is all about!
Love it! The answer is repetition. Just keep going and something good turns up.
Fresh, happy and playful. Love that you found a way thru on your paintslaparound #makingfriday
Being open to whatever results from this exercise seems to work really well for you. They look beautiful!
As my work life becomes increasingly unbearable, I find what little unfocused time I have becomes super valuable. I need my own making day!
Hope that you get that time, Shirley, and also that work becomes more enjoyable.xx
I love this, Heather! I wish I could be as regimented as you with my creative practice – it’s so hard to carve out time on the same day each week for unstructured creative time. You’re getting some amazing results!
I wish I was more regimented, Erin! Especially at this crazy time of year, my Making days are few and far between. Thanks for the encouraging words though. Loving your new work! xx