‘Greenery’ are the hills of Natal
Perhaps I shouldn’t admit it, but I’ve never paid much attention to the Pantone (or any other) colour forecasts. I mean, what the heck was that naff pink and blue business from 2016 about? Pantone describes their annual colour choice as a symbolic color selection; a color snapshot of what we see taking place in our global culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude.
Well, I think they got it right with GREENERY – their 2017 colour, which has has been on my mind constantly during our holiday. Then again, we were visiting KwaZulu-Natal, spending time deep in the Drakensburg mountains, in the rainy, misty Midlands, and in Durban too. Let’s hear it for the Greenery!
Welcome to a new year! Let’s hope it is lush and fertile and full of growth… but let’s do all we can to keep our growth in tune with Mother Nature, or next year’s Pantone colour will be Scorched Earth.