The Attention Habit 2022
2022 kicked off with a positive Covid test.
Being stuck at home made me remember how things were reduced to essentials during those first months of the 2020 Lockdown, which is why these words from Isabella Rosellini became my wish for the new year.

So to make it a habit, I’ve come up with a way to flex my ‘attention’ muscles more consistently, which I’m calling The Attention Habit. Here’s how it works:
The Attention Habit
1. Every month, I’ll choose a particular subject to notice.
2. Every weekday, I’ll photograph, sketch, or make patterns from that thing.
3. I’ll post the results on @TheAttentionHabit on Instagram, with the hashtag #theattentionhabit.
Would you like to join me? I’d love to see what’s catching your attention, so follow @theattentionhabit and use #TheAttentionHabit tag on Instagram to share the things you notice.
I’ll keep a record here of what we’re noticing every month, with a link through to the Attention Habit hashtag. Happy noticing!

The Attention Habit : January 2022
The January theme for The Attention Habit is Weeds!
If you’re joining in, use the hashtag #TheAttentionHabitWEEDS on Instagram

The Attention Habit : February 2022
This month, the theme is “Just Before you Let Go“, where I pay attention to something in the moment just before it leaves me, which is quite poignant in this month just before
If you’re joining in, use the hashtag #justbeforeyouletgo on Instagram

The Attention Habit : March 2022
This month, the theme is “Corners“. It’s a peculiar one, and I’m not sure what to expect, but I’m interested to see what happens when I start noticing the corners of things.
If you’re joining in, use the hashtag #TheAttentionHabitCORNERS on Instagram

The Attention Habit : April 2022
This month, the theme is “Letters“, cos I’m so curious about the art of lettering.
If you’re joining in, use the hashtag #TheAttentionHabitLETTERS on Instagram

The Attention Habit : May 2022
This month, the theme is “Minute“, and it’s a super-focused version of this habit, because it’s about setting a timer for one minute and drawing whatever is in front of you. Ready, set, GO!
If you’re joining in, use the hashtag #theattentionhabitMINUTE on Instagram

The Attention Habit : June 2022
I’ve been looking forward to this month’s theme, which is “Shadows“. It’ is such an easy hack for looking at the world differently – just look at the shadows!
Use the tag #theattentionhabitSHADOWS on Instagram

The Attention Habit : July 2022
This month’s theme is “Same“, which leaves loads of scope for interpretation. Notice multiples, repetitions, copies… whatever you like!
See what we all noticed this month by checking out the tag #theattentionhabitSAME on Instagram

The Attention Habit : August 2022
This month’s theme is “Hue“, which just means that it’s a month for noticing shades and tones of colour. Again – loads of scope for interpretation!
See what we all noticed this month by checking out the tag #theattentionhabitHUE #theattentionhabitHUE on Instagram

The Attention Habit : September 2022
It’s all about noticing “Birds” in September. See them, hear them, draw them. Let’s pay attention to the birds all around us!
Keep an eye on #theattentionhabitBIRDS in September.

The Attention Habit : October 2022
I’m so excited about the theme of “Stripes” for October. I love stripes more and more!
Keep an eye out for #theattentionhabitSTRIPES on instagram this month.

The Attention Habit : November 2022
We’re paying attention to “Leaves ” in November. Happy looking!
Look out for #theattentionhabitLEAVES on instagram this month.

The Attention Habit : December 2022
We’re looking for faces in unlikely places in December. It’s the silly season, after all!
Look out for #theattentionhabitFACES on instagram this month.
Joan Moore
Can’t wait for the next 10 months…! So exhilarating and fresh. Thanks Heather!