It was 30 years ago that Susan Sontag wrote that “Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted”. Imagine what she’d have to say about the Instagram epidemic! But I hope to be forgiven, at least in part, for my compulsive snap-snap-snapping, by putting …
The idea that seeds the pattern
Instagenic at Chandler House
It’s First Thursdays Cape Town tonight, and of course our shop is open, but I’m hoping to also pop by the Voorkamer Gallery of Chandler House, where the month-long INSTAGENIC photo exhibition is opening. I’ll have 9 of my photos on show, along with the pics of 8 other photographers. It’s very exciting for me …
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Meet Team Skinny laMinx #3
If you’ve been following this Meet The Team series of posts, you might be surprised at how many of us there are at Skinny laMinx. Even I’m taken aback, now and again! But there’s a lot to do around here, what with our Bree St shop, two online shops, a local and international wholesale business, …
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Old to New
I LOVE seeing what people do with their Skinny laMinx fabrics, and it’s even better when they share how they did it, like this fab lampshade tutorial on Hung up on ZA.
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Do you want access to fascinating news, astonishing links, amazing behind-the-scenes pics AND to get first notice on sales, specials, etc? Well, then, you simply have to click here to sign up for my weekly newsletter, of course!
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Making Friday: 6 Feb 2015
I had red and blue fingers by the end of Making Friday, after spending most of the day trying out the same print in different layouts and combinations, in a very small range of variables, namely: red or blue / right side or upside down / different kinds of spacing. I enjoy this rather repetitive patternmaking exercise …
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OH Tours: Hans Niehaus Gallery
On Thursday last week, thanks to OH Thursdays, I was lucky enough to snoop inside a building that has always intrigued me – the decades-long work in progress that is Hans Niehaus Gallery on Vineyard Road in Claremont. Apologies for some of the poor photos (I only had my phone camera with me). The Cape …
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Colours of Echevaria
We have loads of succulents at home and on the studio roof garden, but I have never been very good at remembering their botanical names. However, the name of the Echevaria genus – named after the 18th century Mexican botanical artist Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy (thanks, Wikipedia) – has managed to stick. That’s because all of a sudden, …
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A visit to Milnerton Market
I used to be very, very predictable in my Sunday morning habits, all dressed up with a hat, a bag, loose bills in my wallet, setting off to Milnerton Market! I haven’t visiting for a while, but was back there this week, finding treasures amongst the junk, as well as lots of photo opportunities. For a …