Ok, so it was a Making Saturday, not a Making Friday, but I think the exoticness of my location will excuse the shift in days. I did my making this week at a place I’ve often read about: the Brooklyn studio of Lena Corwin! She runs monthly workshops in her pretty studio, and so I …
Making Friday – 24 April
We Love Liam
Lynn Russell – she of the amazing Satsuma Press, with whom I had such a fruitful collaboration last year – is doing something really special today, to coincide with her son Liam’s 6th birthday! Liam has a muscular disease that makes his day-to-day living quite challenging. One of the things that’s difficult is bathing, and Lynn and her husband really …
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A brown study
Still hobbling, but took some pics of brownish things on a slow limp up Greenwich St today, including mushrooms at the Tribeca Greenmarket.
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In Tribeca
The view from the top of our apartment building in Tribeca on Sunday morning. Forgive the off-kilter angle. I’m trying to learn GIMP, and haven’t figured out the tilt adjust yet. Tribeca is a great neighbourhood, and one I certainly wouldn’t be able to afford if I was really living here. First impressions include a …
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We’re here!
It’s extraordinary, and my feet are getting very tired because it’s impossible to stop exploring. But just to let you know, we LOVE New York City. More to follow soon…
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In a state, before getting to the States
Molly gave me this card diorama from Muji when she got back from her London trip last year. Little did she know, it was actually a prediction of where I would find myself in just a few more days. She’s a spooky gal, that Molly! Where I find myself right now though, is absolutely all …
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Thanks for the pocketmoney
A huge thanks to everyone who came to my Seconds Sale on Saturday. It really was a great success, and I enjoyed it enormously. Loads of tea towels found themselves a new home, which made me very happy. A big hit at the Sale was something I came up with just the day before to …
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Seconds, Samples (& So On)
This is an announcement to all locals and honorary locals (ie: Capetonians & owners of private jets): This Saturday, 10 April, you’ll have the opportunity to get Skinny laMinx tea towels at much-reduced rates. On sale at my studio will be tea towels with just the teeniest smudge or the weeniest smear. Lately, I’ve been …
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PayPal at last!
I’m practically hyperventilating with relief at the fact that I can finally, FINALLY use PayPal to receive payments in my Etsy shop. To all those dear shoppers who indulged my somewhat cumbersome and lengthy payment process in the past, my heartfelt thanks to you. I was always nervous that shoppers would be frightened off by …