Alexandra’s shopHave you seen? My friend Alexandra Hojer has opened a gorgeous boutique in Kloof Street’s Lifestyle Centre. I’ve been watching Alex and Philip build it over the past few weeks, showing incredible determination and (as usual) dedication to detail. Alex built her own cabinets and laid her own parquet, for goodness sake! And when …
Alexandra’s shop
Open studio pics
Open Studio picsOur open studio was a roaring success. Thanks so much to everyone who came, and special thanks to Molly and to Tammy, who helped out so very much. Tammy was also the bright spark who remembered her camera, and most of these pics are from her. Thanks, Tam!
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Busy busy
Busy busyWhew, it’s all wholesale orders and illustration deadlines in the week approaching the Open Studio on the weekend, so I can’t imagine I’ll be posting much on this blog at all. I hope lots of Capetonians (and jetsetters?) will come over to the Open Studio, but especially for those who can’t make it, keep …
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Duikers cushions
Duikers cushionsDuikers cushions in my shop!
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Little boxes
Little boxesThis is the Best Book Ever! I borrowed this copy from my friendly lasercutter, but the minute I’ve finished posting this, I’m off to buy my own. Actually, I can’t wait. Hang on a sec… …Right, that’s ordered and on its way to my postbox. It’s been brilliant for filling my head with new …
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The To Do list before the Open Studio looks like this:
The To Do list before our Open Studio looks like this:1. Decide to have open studio2. Design invitation in two seconds flat3. Run down road to print said invitation4. Photograph for blog before even chopping up page5. Have brilliant ideas for whole bunch of new products to make before the Open Studio, which is in…. …
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Jug fans
Jug fansI got such a sweet note from Kajsa Aronsson, who is one of the three designers who make up HAPPYsthlm, and a big fan of ceramic jugs, just like me. Her daughter took this photo on her mobile phone, showing two old jugs, and a modern one too. She tells me that the big …
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Critically silly, critically cute
Critically silly, critically cute Paul and I got all Halloweened-up for the Critical Mass ride in Cape Town this morning. He was a cat, with neoprene ears and cats-eye specs and I was a devil with carrot horns. Never forget, folks: the fridge can be your wardrobe too! But Edith is the hands-down winner of …
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I’ve been having a bit of internet fatigue later, not getting as much pleasure from time online as I used to. But no matter how fatigued, you’ve gotta love the internet when this kind of thing happens: Over the weekend, I got a mail from Ahjan Amaro, who is a monk at Abayagiri, a Buddhist …