Friday’s Making DayIt’s my Making Day today. Will probably still be working on my very intricate paper cutout, but may also be tempted to use a recently-purchased thingy to cover buttons with my fabric scraps – it’s totally addictive. Happy weekend, everyone.
Friday’s Making Day
Off the list
Off the listIt was definitely not on my list of Things To Do today, but possibly if I had written “Move every bit of studio furniture around and hoover everything” on the list, I would have avoided it just as much as I did all the things really on the list. Anyway, very happy with …
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Jesse’s brooches
Jesse’s broochesHave you seen the lovely ceramic brooches Jesse’s been making and selling in her shop? I’m lucky enough to own these two, and I alternate wearing them with two of Janne‘s gorgeous brooches made from busticated mid-century dishes. PS: He he. Check out the comments section from yesterday’s post to see Anairam‘s smart riposte …
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Heather under the weather
The Weather———-Heather In other words, I’m sick. Posting will resume once I’ve stopped blowing my nose. Meanwhile, the WOO sale in my shop continues, with only 50c shipping on each tea towel bought.
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Waiting, and other news
Three bits of good news today! Firstly, I have a new tea towel in my shop. It’s called Waiting, and is available in red and also in charcoal. Waiting started out as a paper cutout, which I turned into a silkscreen print on paper, in a very small edition of about 20, and now it’s available …
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You DID say “key cosy”!
You DID say “key cosy”!How very odd, but actually rather sweet. These mad little pastel key cosies from Bettysonics made me laff, and completely put me off posting what I intended to post, which was something along the lines of I Have A New Tea Towel To Sell, so that’ll just have to wait for …
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Napkins at Heath Ceramics
Napkins at Heath Ceramics Earlier this month, I sent off a box full of three styles of printed linen napkins to my favourite store that I’ve never visited: Heath Ceramics. Heath tells me they’re selling fast, and I must send more. Ok then, I will! Once I’ve printed up more of these, I’ll start selling …
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ScrapEep! is in da house
ScrapEep! is in da houseOK, folks, you liked ’em, so come and get ’em. I’ve got four of the little buggas in my Etsy shop. They’re firmly stuffed with cotton and linen offcuts (appearing, entrail-like in the bottom right of this photo), and backed with linen. Get yours here, here, here or here. Now, while …
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Connor Cullinan at the AVA
Connor Cullinan at the AVACapetonians, don’t forget Connor Cullinan’s first Cape Town show in ages, opening at the AVA in Church St tonight at 6pm. See you there.