In KleinbaaiTook a much-needed break away to Kleinbaai with friends over the weekend. The weather was bad, but the house was filled with sweet babies, good food and silly games. When the sun came out, we got to see the fantastic rock pools, including a starfish and an octopus! Hope you had a good one …
In Kleinbaai
Oprah at Home
Oprah at HomeSo many of you have been sweet enough to let me know that you spotted one of my teatowels in the Summer issue of Oprah at Home magazine. Thanks so much for your congrats, and most of all, thanks to Uncle Beefy who sent me a scan of the page, cos I hadn’t …
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Frankie’s show
Frankie’s showJust to let you know, Francesco Nassimbeni will be having a show opening Thursday 12 June, at 77 Hout Street, Cape Town. He’s been experimenting with handwriting, and I’m looking forward to seeing the results.
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Holiday snaps – Tuscany
Holiday snaps – TuscanyWe spent our time in Tuscany with Paul’s family, all staying on an organic wine and olive farm called Tenuta San Vito in Fior di Selva. We had an extraordinary time there, and it is just as magical as it appears in these pics: And away from the farm? Well, those medieval …
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Hand Towel Book
Hand Towel BookIt’s a book! No, it’s a hand towel! Actually, it’s both, and I think it’s beautiful.Over to the Elle Deco SA blog I’ve found lots of other nice things from the MoMA store’s Japanese collection. Go check it out. (via Design*Sponge)
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What to do…
What to do…Holly at Decor8 has been asking a whole heap of designers and artists how they know when they have found their calling in a series of posts called What to do…. I’m last in her series, up at Decor8 today. Take a read here. Thanks for asking me to contribute, Holly. I hope …
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Susie Cooper surprise
Susie Cooper surpriseUm, anyone noticed that I seem on a bit of a vintage ceramics virtual shopping binge? This one was a real surprise, because I thought I had Susie Cooper’s style nailed down, but it seems I was mistaken. (found at UK Storeroom via Print&Pattern). And there’s more to see, but you’ll have to …
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Bersa plates tempting me…
Bersa plates tempting me…They’re up for auction from Danish eBay sellers ZielZiel. Will they survive the trip to South Africa? Can I really fit any more crockery into my house? Sigh. I do want ’em, and it doesn’t seem that blogging them is working as an effective displacement activity…
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Bird in the hand
Bird in the handStop the presses! I just got an email from the super-talented Etsy seller The Wren, telling me about her brand new bird purses. Without a second thought, I zooted over to her Etsy shop and snagged the beauty above! This one below was a close second place for me, and there are …