Another magazine illustration, this time for an article in the August FairLady magazine about making medical diagnoses online. It’s odd, but these illustrations I make using Illustrator don’t really feel like things I’ve done myself. It looks great in the magazine, but there’s something about the super-smooth line quality that I don’t quite like.So for …
A resolution
New on Etsy – Summer Weeds cushion covers
Finally, I have made my Summer Weeds print into cushion covers. Check ’em out in my Etsy shop.
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Medina Morphet at Frewin
Capetonians and owners of private jets, don’t forget that tonight Medina Morphet’s exhibition of oil paintings opens at 6pm at Frewin, 75 Loop Street. It’s part of the Unfettered series of exhibitions. I’m very excited to see my studio mate’s work on show. See you there.
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Lets go to Andyland
Here’s another bunch of interesting stuff I’ve found through my sitemeter recently. Living in Andyland is a Swedish blog, written by the owners of Andyland – an online gallery that represents a number of Swedish illustrators and photographers. As an illustrator, it’s always inspiring to see work other illustrators are making, and I found some …
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Summer Weeds on Etsy
I have to rush to my nephew’s talent show, so just a quick heads up to tell you that I have new teatowels in my Etsy shop. Check ’em out – Summer Weeds in burnt butter… …and in smoke blue.
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Sam of Homegrown Skinny was one of my lucky prizewinners. Along with her prize I sent a little card (a bit like this one), that now lives on her fridge. Thanks to a flash of inspiration from her 3-year-old, Jude, Sam decided to embroider the “cuckoo bird” I’d drawn on the card onto one of …
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Belle and Boo
I’ve been encountering such interesting people through my comments section lately, and will be posting about them over the next little while. First up is from Belle and Boo, a blog written by London-based illustrator, Mandy Sutcliffe.Mandy sells beautiful prints like the one above in her Belle and Boo Etsy shop, where she also sells …
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Bargain of the (mid)century
I was feeling a bit overloaded, iffy and grumpy yesterday afternoon, so I thought I’d distract myself by opening another chapter in my neverending quest for the perfect credenza. There was no credenza to be found, but look what was waiting for me at the top of Kloof Street: It’s an appalling photo, taken in …
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I’m so pleased that the prizes I sent to 10 Skinny laMinx readers have started arriving in post boxes. Andrea from Letitfly blog took a sweet pic of her package.