Jesse Breytenbach deserves a lot of attention. Not only does she have a cute dog, she can also knit anything in record time, and she is a brilliant illustrator, currently deep in the lengthy process of creating a graphic novel for Oshun Books (due out next year). Jesse’s been putting images from her stories onto …
Pile o’ Pillows
I’ve been making heaps of cushions, and was very pleased to finally send them off for a magazine shoot yesterday, along with the embroidered lampshades. Once they’ve been shot, I’ll get ’em up into my shop. Life’s feeling rather overloaded right now. All the things I have to do are really, really interesting, enjoyable and …
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Hoops for Husbands
The May issue of FairLady magazine is out, with a couple of my illys inside. This one is a full page illustration for an article called Jumping through hoops about how a woman’s research into the training of exotic animals gave her very useful insights into how to get her husband to do things her …
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New Etsy listings
You’ll find teatowels and a new magnet in my etsy shop.
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Loads of thanks is due to some of the encouraging people I’ve met out there in blogland. First, thanks to Stephanie of SumThings for all her comments and encouragement, and also for putting me onto her blog. Your support is really appreciated! Take a visit to Stephanie’s etsy shop to see her cards for sale, …
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Sorted out
Friday’s glitch with the selling tools in my Etsy shop has been sorted out, thanks to sage advice on the Etsy forum. It wasn’t a glitch, just me being a bit thick. Thanks for the help!
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Skinny laMinx on Etsy
Ahem. My Etsy shop is finally open. It’s a little sparsely furnished as yet, but I’ll be putting new things up in the shop all week. Please take a visit sometime.
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The April issue of FairLady magazine is out, and here’s the latest horoscope illustration. Cut vinyl, scanned and then coloured in Photoshop.
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Skinny laMinx goes to Oz.
My brother and his family arrive in Brisbane today and will start the exciting process of making that lovely city home. Little E will soon have a little Aussie twang. Anyway, little E and littler A have their bags stuffed with all the hottest new Skinny laMinx gear, just to let those Aussie kids will …