I’ve just realised I won’t be posting anything tomorrow (as rashly promised in an earlier post), as my older brother, his wife and baby are in town for the weekend and I’m planning to spend Friday with them. So, as my weekend post, here’s Bamboo from the first Drawing Room show. It’s a Plascon paint …
Graph paper birds
I’m plumbing the depths of my archives once again, as I work like the clappers for a massive Fair Lady horoscope special in January, get teatowels and trays made for showing at Carine Terreblanche’s jewellery show on 23 November, prepare for the next Neighbour Goods Market and do my morning job writing comics. I’m not …
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Drawing Room 1
It’s so teeny weeny, but here’s a pic of the work I put on the first Drawing Room show in May 2005. I was using cut paper, cut vinyl and paint samples for these works. I’ll hunt about for more close up pics of these to post tomorrow. This first show was terribly exciting for …
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Ta-ra! My submission for the Unknown charity auction show at What if the World, opening tomorrow night (8 November): 100 canvasses by 100 unnamed artists, to be sold for R350 each, with R200 of that going to Habitat for Humanity. Nice idea. I’m a cutter, not a painter. Hats off to painters – it’s a …
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Sportscene update
I’ve been meaning to put these up for ages – two photos of the illustrations I did for the spring window displays in Sportscene (see an archived post on this here). There were supposed to be lots more stickers up on the windows, but apparently the client became worried that they’d block the merch in …
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Lace Girl
This is a very old illustration (last year!!), made with paper, lace scraps, woodgrain vinyl and my sewing machine.
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Animal row
I’m undecided what to do with this, but I do like these loopy beasts. All are hand-cut from black vinyl, then arranged in Photoshop.
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Springtime wonky bird
I’m starting to get things together for our stall at the next Neighbour Goods market on 28 October. This time, more toddler-size Tshirts. I think I’ll do pretty spring things, like this birdy. Isn’t it sweet?
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dreams progress
I’m planning to do more of this in my blog – recording the process from scamp to the final illi. L-R:1. Scamp, drawn in ink, then scanned and coloured in Photoshop. The client thought the snakes were too scary, so we agreed on flowers2. Black vinyl cut out with my NT cutter3. Same, but split …