Making Friday: 15 November
Actually, after such a looooong break from my Making Friday routine, I’m planning to have an entire Making Week (or more!). I have an ‘away’ message on my email, and I’m doing my best to get my teeth into a new collection of prints. Of course, before I began, I first had to pull and push every piece of furniture in the studio into a new position, and clean out all the drawers. Does everyone find they need a day of physical rearrangement before starting something new? It’s unavoidable for me.
In my tidying frenzy, I uncovered an unfinished project – a very wonky bin that I’d made from wire – and finally got around to spraying it black.
Now, with bin project finished and everything all shoved around, I’ve got a nice cosy space where I can make and sketch and cut and paint whatever I feel like. The hard work comes later, when I must weed out the ones that hang together best, and call them a collection.
One or two process pics to share, then back to work!
I do the same thing! I just rearranged my studio and reorganized my supplies and am excited to start on some new projects.
Frau Schoenert
YES! Rule No. 1 to start a new project: workplace clear up!
helene magnusson
Oh yes, everything must be clean and tidy!
Estelle Hudson
I must try this sometime. Does it inspire new creations?
Hi Estelle. It’s just a great way of productively procrastinating so that the next day you have no reasons left, and you simply have to make a start!
Karen Anne
I did the same and posted pics of my newly cleaned space on my blog. Now with Thanksgiving behind me and a clean studio ahead of me, I can’t wait to get back to work bright and early tomorrow morning -and start making some new ideas become real!
Karen Anne