Making Friday: Meet Us +
It’s an unusual Making Friday post this week, as it’s not something I made, but rather something I watched being made in the studio.
Over the weeks leading up to the launch of the Diggi Dot fabric collection, you’ll have spotted our little series of teaser videos on Instagram, and the longer video about the collection, too. They were made by the creative team of Us+, who say the following about themselves:
Us + is made up of Aadil and Steph, arguably the tallest creative team in the world.
Apart from being really tall we also like to make stuff.
We really like making stuff. For example, we made this bio not more than 15 minutes ago.
I asked Steph and Aadil a couple of inconsequential questions, and this is what they told me:
++When not making mini movies for Skinny laMinx, what do you like to do on a Sunday?
Aadil: I like to go the Hare Krishna temple in Rondebosch… and eat their food. It’s delicious and full of good karma. Probably.
Steph: I usually wake up late, steal my neighbours cat and make it listen to Motown with me while I think about everything I need to do and not do it.
++Pottery classes or model train club?
Aadil: Watching my cats act like morons. Does that count?
Steph: Model train club sounds cool, do we get to wear matching hats? Can we make ceramic hats for train club?
++What do you want to be when you grow up?
Aadil A child.
Steph: Leader of train club.
Need an awesome video? Get hold of Aadil or Steph, and keep an eye out for the Us+ website, currently in the works.