Competition: Stick-it-to-Win-It
Our launch of the Colour Pop pillows was so much fun! But apart from the yummy doughssants from Jason Bakery and delicious colour-changing gin from Hope on Hopkins, the most fun was when everyone got stuck in to our Stick-it-to-Win-it Competition!
We made a little video to show you what to do:
Our shop will be open for the May long weekend, so there’s still time for you to pop into the Skinny laMinx shop, grab a paper sofa and some stickers, and assemble your own fabulous cushion array. You could win three Skinny laMinx pillows of your choice!
Here’s how the STICK-IT-TO-WIN-IT competition works:
STEP 1: Use the stickers to mix & match pillows on the paper sofas
STEP 2: Take a snap of your paper sofa composition
STEP 3: Follow @skinnylaminx on Instagram or Facebook
STEP 4: Post & tag your pic with #skinnylaminx and #patternandpalette
+ We won’t be able to see entries on private social media accounts
+ Winners will be announced in our newsletter on 2 May 2018 (sign up here)
Happy sticking!