Introducing The Pillow Lab
Have you been to The Pillow Lab? It’s the Skinny laMinx research facility, dedicated to solving urgent questions around the issue of how to mix and match scatter cushions and throw pillows to perfection.
It’s important, groundbreaking work, and the Pillow Lab has been doing fascinating research in the realm of throw pillows and cushions. Read on for more about what goes onin the Lab:
The Pillow Lab’s research tools consist of close observation of what people are looking for when it comes to cushions, as the Lab is devoted to serving customers’ decorating needs.
Solutions are found through the application of two major ingredients: PATTERN + PALETTE.
The major topic of research in the Pillow Lab is:
+ How To Mix & Match Pattern Without Getting Overwhelmed By Choice.
Our research revealed a simple, yet highly-effective solution:
+ Combine Pattern + Palette By Means of COLOUR POP PILLOWS.
Mixed with pattern, these dots and dashes of pure Skinny laMinx colour in a cushion do the following:
- add pop, punctuation and panache to a pile of pillows;
- bring harmony and rhythm to a cushion composition,
- are the ace up your sleeve when making magic with Pattern + Palette.
Recent Pillow Lab research will be published in more depth shortly, but we’ve made a concise summary of our expert tips available here:
Tip #1: Find a Hero
Who is the boss of this sofa? Identify the ‘hero’ print to lead the way for your pattern & palette choices, using the hero’s colours and energy as a starting point for the rest of your scatter cushions decisions.
Tip #2: Stick with a style
Don’t mix too many pattern styles & palette notes. Colour Pop Pillows help create conversations between the patterns and colours of your scatter cushions.
Tip #3: Balance Energies
Horizontal & vertical lines bring in stability and a steadying energy, and a harmonious colour palette helps balance energies too. Too much directional movement or colour on your throw pillows can create visual disruption.
Tip #4: Odds Beat Evens
Use odd numbers to set up visually interesting rhythms & colour conversations between your scatter cushions.
Tip #5: Sizes Matter
A row of pillows or cushions that are all the same size is the sofa visual equivalent of muzak. Use a mix of sizes to add bass, treble & rhythm to your sofa symphony.
Tip #6: Ignore Advice
Trust your gut and experiment wildly with a fabulous selection of cushions in the Palette + Pattern that you love!