Notes from the Pillow Lab : What’s your Pillow Personality?
Just in, fresh from the Skinny laMinx Pillow Lab, the latest research into the important matter of…. Your Pillow Personality.
Take this scientific quiz now to get your diagnosis.
QUESTION: How would you arrange the pillows above? Choose A, B or C.
A: You have FPP – Formal Pillow Personality
Your favourite food is Earl Grey Tea.
Your favourite colours are named after birds’ eggs.
You’re a racehorse owner by trade.
Order and symmetry make you feel safe and warm… but in a tidy way.
Karate-chopping your pillows down the centre is your signature flourish.
B: You have EPP – Exuberant Pillow Personality
Your favourite food is fruit salad.
Your favourite colour is… MUST I decide?
You’re a hat designer by trade.
You’re a maximalist and are thrilled to mix and match with abandon.
Life’s short! Let’s show that sofa a good time!
C. You have PPP – Precise Pillow Personality
Your favourite food is sushi.
Your favourite colour is a very particular shade of black.
You’re an architect by trade.
Your own ability to find the perfect combination of colour and pattern makes you gasp and stop in your tracks whenever you walk by.
Now you know your pillow personality, keep your eye out for more research from the Skinny laMinx Pillow Lab to help you express it to the max.
Just remember, whichever version of “crazy about pattern and palette” you’re rocking, we love you ALL!