Best Things: Stripes
Do you know about the Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon? It’s that thing where you notice something once – a new word, an idea, a colour – and then it seems you just can’t avoid it. It’s everywhere. But is it really everywhere, or have you just become attuned to it?
I’ve been feeling that way about stripes. I can’t help seeing them everywhere, and I seem to be wearing them all the time too! Take a look at some stripes I’ve spotted around the internet lately:
Clockwise, from Left: Glasgow House, 1916, Charles Rennie Mackintosh (via @yaniv_masterstudio) |
Patrick & Lorraine Frey’s country house (via @lamaisonpierrefrey) |
Striped fabric by @cedarbrook.textiles |
Entryway by @jpdemeyer
Above: @studiochristophniemann
Clockwise, from top left : @ronanbouroullec |
outdoor chair by @delodesign |
Pillow Chair by @ash_newyork |
La Cotte Hotel by @dominictouwen
Need more stripes in your life? We’ve just piped our stripes, making them a whole lot more fun. Find them for sale right here.