Introducing Flower Ring
Our brand new Flower Ring design is a pretty two-colour floral print screenprinted on cotton slub fabric
Look a bit more closely though, and you’ll notice that the little flowers on the head of the plant are travelling upwards – it’s almost like a little animation.

I like to notice weeds – often beautiful, frequently overlooked – and was particularly inspired by the flowering pattern of the common roadside weed, Ribwort Plantain with its ring-like flowering pattern.
My hope behind telling the story of the Flower Ring design is that it will open peoples’ eyes to the ordinary treasures around them (like roadside weeds!) adding beauty and enjoyment to an everyday moment.
Read more about the inspiration for Flower Ring HERE >>

You’ll find Flower Ring available for sale as a tea towel, and it’s also printed in two colourways, made up into all shapes and sizes of cushions.

Flower Ring can also be found as running metres.

Email for further info.