Every Thursday and Friday, I leave my business hat at Skinny laMinx HQ, and head off to my studio in Salt River, where I close the door, raise the dust sheets, and tap into the creative energy that started the brand. I call this studio time “Making Friday”, and it’s all about cutting, carving, printing, …
Making Friday: How To Play
Scandi Candy : The Design Story
Where did the idea for the clear, simple Scandi Candy design come from? Read on for insight into Heather’s design process.
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Slow patterns, fast patterns
Some things take ages to make, and some are really quick. It’s not often I manage to reconcile the two, but this year, I’ve found a happy middle!
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Making Friday: More haste…
Honestly, I can be such a nitwit. Every week in my studio, I’ve been merrily hand-printing linen panels for a quilt I want to make. So much fun! In the back of my mind I’ve known I ought to have washed the linen first (for shrinkage), but I was too impatient. Now I’ve finally tested …
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2022 Pattern Repeat Retreat
It’s almost time for our annual Pattern Repeat Retreat. Are you coming? We’ll spend two days in beautiful Swellendam, getting hands-on with exploring and understanding pattern. I’ll send you back home feeling inspired and capable of creating pattern using the simplest of tools. It’ll be fun! JOIN US: A 2-day pattern & printing workshop with me, hosted by Grace + Merci Cafe in …
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MAKING FRIDAY : Tile design inspiration
A short video showing the origin of the Daisy Day tile design.
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The Attention Habit 2022
2022 kicked off with a positive Covid test. Being stuck at home made me remember how things were reduced to essentials during those first months of the 2020 Lockdown, which is why these words from Isabella Rosellini became my wish for the new year. The Attention Habit1. Every month, I’ll choose a particular subject to …
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Furoshiki with a tea towel
In a recent post about multi-teatowel-tasking, I mentioned the idea of using a tea towel to wrap a gift, furoshiki-style, and here are DIY step-by-step instructions letting you know exactly how to do it (using, in this case, our new Flower Ring tea towel.: Step 1: With the print facing down, fold the tea towel into …
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Light + Shade : An exhibition
On Wednesday 1 September, ceramicist Sarah Walters and I launch our Light + Shade exhibition at the Sarah Walters Gallery at 7 Wheelan Street, Newlands Village. We’ve been carrying Sarah’s beautiful mugs in our shop for a while now, but after a conversation we had about how hard it is to find beautiful lamp bases, …