This Making Friday post is about what other (small) people have been doing with Skinny laMinx fabrics, courtesy of our production manager, Sarah. Sarah loves what she does at Skinny laMinx, but I think one of the biggest perks of this job for her is that she gets to take home our offcuts and scraps for …
Making Friday: Fun with scraps
Making Friday: CMYK lino #01
The last workshop I did at Warren Editions was way back in 2011. I loved it so much, so it is unfathomable why it took me so long to sign up for another? Ah well, regrets at lost opportunities aside, I was happy to spend my Saturday at Warren Editions – which has expanded significantly since my …
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Making Friday: Meet Us +
It’s an unusual Making Friday post this week, as it’s not something I made, but rather something I watched being made in the studio. Over the weeks leading up to the launch of the Diggi Dot fabric collection, you’ll have spotted our little series of teaser videos on Instagram, and the longer video about the collection, too. They …
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Upstairs from the shop
At our Diggi Dot fabric launch two weeks ago, we invited everyone to come up the stairs to see what we get up to in our studio above the shop at 201 Bree St. Lots of you couldn’t make it, so I thought it might be fun, while the studio is still in its post-launch …
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Diggi Dot – the Movie
I hope you spotted the fun we were having on Instagram with a series of short-short ‘teaser’ videos leading up to the Diggi Dot launch? Well, now that we’ve finally launched, here’s a full video telling the story behind this fabric collection. And… action!
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Launching Diggi Dot
We had so much fun at the Diggi Dot launch on Friday! Here are some pics of all the things we got up to at the Open Day, including the selfie station, the make-your-own-bunting station, the printing demos and our delicious snacks too. Thanks to everyone who came and who helped make it such a wonderful …
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Diggi Dot
Last year, I went off to Jaipur at the invitation of Ritchie Ace Camps, to teach a three day course in pattern generation and design as part of a seven day experiential tour focussed on traditional Indian block printing and dying techniques. My role was to teach how to design and create pattern using lino …
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Making Friday: Book Rainbow!
If you read my Best Things post from last week, you’ll see that I’m pretty colour crazed at the moment, probably because I’ve been working pretty non-stop on the Skinny laMinx Colour Book, which I’m looking forward to revealing, along with our new fabric collection at the end of the month. On Making Friday last week, I …
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Making Friday – Block Printing
While teaching block printing on the Ritchie Ace Camp last year (and again in October this year), I’ve been using carved lino blocks, but I did bring back some super-simple wooden blocks from Jaipur to play with too. Whether printing with lino or with wood blocks (or designing prints to be produced on scarves) the thing I’ve …