Sjoe, maar dis mooi!Kamersvol Geskenke is usually a pretty spectacular annual shopping market, but this year they’ve got themselves a seriously beautiful venue this year at the Morgenzon Wine Estate. I dropped off my things last Saturday morning, and the doors opened last night (Tuesday) – styled to perfection, I have no doubt! I …
Sjoe, maar dis mooi!
Old books
Old booksI bought these two books at Folio in Rondebosch a few weeks ago, and they really are treasures. Modern French Interiors was published by Thames and Hudson in 1958, and Decorative Art: The Studio Year Book 1955-56 was published by The Studio Publications. They’re both absolute feasts for geeks like me.
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Where would I be without a Slingsby (or three)?
Where would I be without a Slingsby (or three)? Paul and I spent lots of Sunday walking in Silvermine, accompanied by Peter Slingsby. Actually, it was one of his amazing maps, not the real him, but his maps are so saturated with his humour and his dedication to mapping in close and useful detail every …
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Kamersvol is a full time job!
Kamersvol is a full time job!I’ve gone all scarce again, and if you read Jesse‘s blog, you’ll find the same thing’s happened, and it’s because we’re afflicted with the same Kamervol Geskenke* bug. I’m packaging up things, building display units, cutting little tags etc etc, all to meet the Saturday delivery date for the market …
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On a whim last week, I bought this cheap vinyl floor covering for my studio.Help! Call in the troops! The colours and patterns are rioting!
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Making Friday update
Making Friday updateEvery year, October turns out to be a month of change for me, and this time around, what appears to have changed is my attitude. It seems I’m no longer “Aaagh! Hurry, quick! Time’s a-wasting, and my To Do list is growing!”. Instead I’m more, “Ja, I’d love to meet for coffee. I’ll …
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In Selvedge x 2
In Selvedge x 2 Boy oh boy has this been a good time for press! I’m lucky enough to have two of my tea towels in the latest issue of Selvedge Magazine on their colour-themed pages. The one at the top shows my Summer Day tea towel keeping great company with Lisa Stickley mugs and …
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Thanks all round
Thanks all roundOn top of the brilliant first real Summer’s day in Cape Town, there was the bonus of some amazing press for my stuff. Many thanks for the wonderful posts today and yesterday on Remodelista, on The Style Files, at Sibling Mine, and on the always fab Design*Sponge too. You all rock (something I …
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SubtropicaliaWhat can I say: I married a genius! Paul’s solo exhibition, Subtropicalia, opened at Michael Stevenson last night, and the work is simply amazing. I’d seen most of it before, but it’s always different when installed as a body in a beautiful space. See more images of Subtropicalia here and visit Paul’s website here.