Cannibal crochet and KraftI recently bought a crochet book from Etsy seller ichigonopantsu, and have been breaking my brain trying to learn to crochet the gorgeous motifs in Japanese. Thank goodness there are internet tutorials for backup.My technique leaves a lot to be desired, and right now I’m cannibalising each finished motif, slowly undoing it …
Cannibal crochet and Kraft
PixellyMy shiny new mobile phone has a camera, which I thought would be nice to have in my pocket with me, but it turns out it doesn’t take a very impressive picture. Nonetheless, I quite liked this pixelly rainy photo of Fish Hoek from inside my car. PS: Thanks sooooo much for all the sweet …
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Seeing Red
Seeing RedNo, I’m not cross, I just keep seeing people blogging red things. This one’s from And while we’re on the topic of colour, check out today’s post at Elle Decoration SA for a colour splash, and a Top Tip on using colour in your bookshelves. PS: Thanks to Kelly at DesignCrush, I found …
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Mugs – now in my shop
Mugs – now in my shopAt last, I have a new teatowel design in my Etsy shop . I drew all the vintage teacups and mugs in our house, and turned them into this design, which I’m calling Mugs. It comes in three rather odd, but quite delicious colours that somehow ended up being given …
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S is for Shopping
S is for ShoppingSince resigning yesterday, I’ve started developing a Bad Attitude. Just look at the way I’ve been squandering valuable work hours just pottering about at the H is for Home shop. Found some cute things though! Visit the H is for Home blog for lots more lovely things, and find out more about …
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EmbroideredLove this Japanese embroidery book from Etsy seller Pomadour24 , and adore these embroidered teacups. I’ll have some teacups of my own to show you next week, so watch this space… Happy weekend!
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PiscesI’ve been awfully slack about posting my magazine illustrations lately, but was so pleased with the way Fair Lady magazine used this one for Pisces that I got down to taking a pic to share. Have a good weekend, everyone (and thanks for all your votes!).
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Aggregate pics
Aggregate picsVisit my Flickr page to see some shots of Paul’s show Aggregate at Bank Gallery in Durban.
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PegsOld fashioned laundry pegs found at Another Shade of Grey Sweet peg dollies found via ~>O<~, for sale at The Small Object. Amazing peg pencil by Yuta Watanabe, via SwissMiss. Late addition: I just couldn’t resist posting this peg tshirt by Sway Design after spotting it on Freshly Found.