EdenI’m not sure if I should encourage him, but our friend Chris has started a Tshirt blog called Cool for a Day. I think Paul’s cool every day, but Chris thought he was particularly cool on Sunday, when he wore this shirt that I made for his birthday.
Camilla’s tree
Camilla’s treeHave you ever seen such a beautiful tree? It’s like a fairytale. Camilla Engman took the photo.
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Abigail’s everywhere
Abigail’s everywhere!After a very satisfying and friendly swap with Scottish jeweller Abigail Percy last week (that necklace will soon be mine!), I sat down this morning to prepare a post about her beautiful work.Before starting, I took a quick visit to Bloesem, where she had written about Abigail’s collaboration with Portuguese illustrator Ana Ventura. Aren’t …
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Studio Show
Studio showOn Saturday morning, Tessa Gawith and I set up our wares in her pottery studio in Muizenberg, and the crowds started pouring in. It was so busy, and we both sold a heap. I’ve taken some pretty rubbish photos, of my work, but Tessa’s ceramics have come out well.I was really pleased with my …
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Nothing new about birds
Nothing new about birds Just enough time to post something before zooting off to Muizenberg to prepare for the Studio Show tomorrow. This cast iron bird comes from the Curiosity Shop, and is part of my attempt to shake off a jaded attitude to the long-lived birds trend. Check it out over at the Elle …
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DreamingI’m starting to wake up to the fact that it’s nearly Christmas, and I can’t very well give my family teatowels again, so I’d better get shopping ! Unfortunately, these gorgeous graphic mugs will have to be just window shopped by me, as the aptly-named Curiosity Shoppe doesn’t ship internationally. Americans, Canadians, go get ‘em …
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Pink bloesem
Pink BloesemsIrene from Bloesem has been such a kind blog friend to me (essentially, she’s the one who got me to open my Etsy shop!). So I’m very pleased to be able to return the favour by telling you about the elegant and beautiful jewellery Irene has made, called the Pink Collection, now on sale …
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She’s still Jesse from the blog…Zoot on over to the Elle Decoration SA blog to see Jesse’s terrific post on block printing!
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Thanks I just want to say thanks so much for all the birthday wishes. Really, they made me smile for my whole crazy week, and so I made this little heart for you all.(and see, I’m wearing my favourite outfit again.)