In the mood for a super simple, super satisfying creative activity? One that involves masks? No, not THOSE masks, just masking tape. Also, fabric paint and a credit card. C’mon, you’re going to have to watch my little video tutorial to figure out what the heck I’m talking about. CLICK HERE to watch.
Making Friday: Super simple stripes
Why the name Skinny laMinx?
Did you know that Skinny laMinx is a nickname for Heather’s skinny little Siamese cat, Monkey?
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Notes from the Pillow Lab : What’s your Pillow Personality?
Take the quiz to find out your Pillow Personality.
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Cushion styling tips from the Pillow Lab
The top 5 tips from the Skinny laMinx Pillow Lab to help you mix pattern and palette with aplomb!
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The Pillow Lab
The Pillow Lab is the Skinny laMinx research facility, where we do groundbreaking research into the issue of mixing and matching pillows to perfection. Read on for more about our Lab work:
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Making Friday: Collaboration with the Sun
Me and some pushpins did a collaboration with the Sun.
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Making Friday – Flow
All I seem to do in these strange days is flail around, feeling impotent, making nothing, getting nowhere. In a frustrated text to a friend I described myself as “disappointingly unfocussed”. She felt the same way. It seems pretty common these days. I even read an article about it – aimed at parents, actually – which …
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Winking is the new smiling
I’m winking because you can’t see me smiling under my mask (and they say that #winkingisthenewsmiling in these crazy times). The reason I’m smiling is that I’m thrilled to have been asked, along with 3 other SA designers, to design a set of four masks for African Smiles Masks, to be sold on to …
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Colour Yum: A peaceful palette
One of my favourite shots from our Living with Skinny laMinx Lookbook is this bedroom shot, where we made up a headboard in the Breeze print, and teamed that concrete colourway with a squishy pile of pillows in restful greys and sages. It’s the perfect palette for unwinding and recharging, don’t you think? Cushions from L-R: Breeze, …