This photo shows the one small corner of my studio that is not in utter chaos, and the only reason for this is that I’m sharing this particular corner with my food writer/stylist friend, Nikki Werner, who is a very calming influence around here, as well as a maker of good tea and bringer of …
Studio chaos!
I’ve been doing so much propping and shooting for the new Skinny laMinx catalogue lately, I have props in all the colours in the rainbow lying about! I lined some up, just for fun.
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US Trip – Camp Squam
So, on with the travelogue: The reason I headed to the USA this time around was to teach a course that I devised called Very Simple Screenprinting at the famous Squam Art Workshop‘s Fall session. Last Wednesday, I took the train north from NYC, and joined a bunch of other teachers and students at an …
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US trip – covering ground
Hellooo! I’m back from my travels and have a lot to report. All good, happy news! I had an awesome trip, I really did. I enjoyed the quiet and freedom of travelling alone, and met the most amazing people along the way. As with my previous travels, I’m going to sort and post my pics …
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Eye Chart
I’ve been wearing spectacless since I was 8 years old, and must be onto my 10th or 12th pair of frames by now. One day, I rummaged through my drawers and found all the old frames I could lay my hands on, and turned them into a cut paper artwork, which was auctioned off at …
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Making Friday: Done and dusted
This time of year is quite relentless, as production steps up in anticipation of the end of year frenzy. So I’ve not had much focus when it comes to my Making Friday sessions for a while. Yesterday I managed to make something in a real quicksticks fashion that was fun to do just because I …
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My blog is suffering thanks to my new-found instagram addiction. Ever since I got my new Samsung phone I’ve been practically documenting every nanosecond of my life on Instagram. Ok, it’s not actually that bad. Although my husband would say it is. I’ve always kept my blog up (even though hardly anyone comments any more… …
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It’s hard to imagine anyone with less green fingers than mine. Despite my best intentions, I watch my beloved plants (even the hardiest ones) wither and die. It’s tragic. But with decals around, who needs green fingers? I’ve made a set of four wall decals that allow even the worst gardener to maintain a cheery row …
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Instagram tales
On Saturday, I made a comic on Instagram while baking a cake.